Risk based approach for reducing risk of combustible dust explosion in malt storage and handling
Plenary 1
Thursday, March 6, 2025 |
2:30 PM - 2:50 PM |
Mr Alexander Evershed-brown
Senior Product Development Specialist
Asahi Beverages
Risk based approach for reducing risk of combustible dust explosion in malt storage and handling.
Malt dust is combustible, requiring careful management within storage and handling equipment. As standards continue to evolve for safe design and management of combustible dust areas, opportunities arise for beverage producers to review and align to best practice. To understand how to align with best practice Asahi Beverages assessed an existing malt storage and handling process. The combustible dust hazardous area classification was reviewed. Staff attained competency for working with electrical equipment in hazardous areas and audited electrical components within the zones. Factors influencing environmental dust accumulation were also assessed. The risk-based approach applied to prioritise electrical improvements will be discussed along with strategic areas of housekeeping focus. This includes eradication of dust leaks, ease of cleaning and education of personnel. Improved housekeeping required elimination of static sparks from vacuum hoses used for cleaning. A functionally earthed vacuum hose was designed and constructed as a suitable commercial hose was unable to be sourced.
Alexander has been working in the brewing industry for more than 14 years, starting on the packaging line and brew deck at Moo Brew in Hobart’s northern suburbs before joining Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) in 2019. With CUB Alexander has worked in the iconic Cascade and Abbotsford Breweries, producing some of Australia’s classic beer brands, before shifting into the New Product Development Team for Beer and Cider. Whilst working as Assistant Brewmaster at the Abbotsford Brewery, a large-scale review of all malt and dust handling areas and equipment was undertaken. This has led to a multi-year project to upgrade aging assets and improve site standards for Hazardous dust areas.