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Survival of pathogens in nonalcoholic beers

Plenary 1
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM


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Dr Grzegorz Rachon
Section Lead - Brewing Microbiology Research
Campden BRI

Survival of pathogens in non-alcoholic beers


The outcome of two years of research into the survival of pathogens in non-alcoholic beers will be presented.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of pathogens in British and worldwide non-alcoholic beers available on the UK market, and to determine whether pathogens can survive or grow in non-alcoholic beers, and to determine the impact of pH and bitterness on their growth and survival patterns.
Results showed that the typical pathogens were not found in any of the tested beers, but two emerging opportunistic pathogens were found in spoiled keg beers.
This study has shown that none of the used in this study pathogens could grow in non-alcoholic beer when a high level of CO2 and low level of O2 were maintained. Salmonella Enteritidis was able to grow at pH = 4.2 and pH = 4.6 at elevated levels of O2 (reduced CO2). Similarly, Escherichia coli O157 was able to grow in these conditions but only at high pH (pH = 4.6). Bacillus cereus and Clostridium botulinum were not able to grow at any tested conditions but were able to survive. Results also showed that bitterness did not affect the survival patterns of tested microorganisms and the pH was the main impactful factor for their growth and survival.


Dr Grzegorz Rachon is the Section Leader of the Brewing Microbiology Research Team in Campden BRI. He has PhD from Reading University and Birmingham University. Grzegorz has been working at Campden BRI since 2016 and at Leatherhead Food Research previously and has extensive expertise in pasteurisation optimisation of beverages, validation of various processes in the food and beverage industry and stability of traditional (beer, cider) and novel beverages. Grzegorz has over 20 years of industrial experience in the Food and Drink Industry. Grzegorz developed a unique biological pasteurisation indicator currently used in the beverage industry for pasteurisation optimisation.