25 - 26 November, 2019

University House at the Woodward, Melbourne

On behalf of the TEFMA Board and the Local Organising Committee we are delighted to invite you to join us in Melbourne on 25 and 26 November for the TEFMA Student Study and Living Spaces Workshop. 

Set your student study and living spaces strategy with confidence using exclusive insights from leading practitioners in the tertiary education sector. The workshop will bring together experts in the design, development and management of innovative learning environments and student accommodation. Join us to find out more about the role universities have in shaping cities and building strong communities.

The two day workshop will ensure there are plenty of opportunities for discussion and networking with like-minded professionals.  We hope your organisation is represented and contributes to the ongoing professional development of those who have the opportunity to attend. 

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne!  

- The Local Organising Committee


The members of the Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association Inc (TEFMA) provide vital strategic and operational infrastructure and services in support of tertiary education in the Australasian region. Drawing on the support and activities provided by TEFMA, our members add real value enhancing the teaching, learning, research and community service outcomes of their institutions.

Contact Us

Bree Blackwell
Workshop Manager
Leishman Associates

Local Organising Committee

Mhairi Donohoe, University of Melbourne
Alex Kennedy, University of Melbourne
Grant Dean, University of Melbourne
Vickie Banks, University of Melbourne
Rebecca Pearce, Deakin University 
Terry Roche, Deakin University
David Bruce, Monash University