Thanks to our amazing business partners for their continued support of the Money Quest Group National Conference.
We can’t do it without them!

The Lender Expo will be open at 12 noon on Thursday 15th August; and continue through till lunch on Friday. Make sure to check out all the latest offerings from our great panel of lenders. 

Business Partners/ Lender Expo Information

Bump In: From 10am – 11:30am, Thursday 15th August.  
12 noon-1:30pm - Lender Expo Opens, Welcome Refreshments and Lunch will be served
1.30pm - Conference Sessions Begin

Bump Out of collateral can occur from 1.15pm on Friday 16th August. Please note, the area will need to be clear by 2.15pm

What's provided  A counter with your company logo will be available for you to display collateral. You are welcome to bring along a pull up banner.  Media walls are not permitted as there will not be sufficient space. 

Registration - if you haven't received your invitation to register for the conference, please email