#MQGSOAR Conference Social Media Challenge!

Welcome to the ultimate SOAR Conference experience! We’re excited to launch our #MQGSOAR Social Media Challenge, designed to capture all the fantastic moments you’ll experience at the event and reward your enthusiasm! Here’s how it works:

📸 Challenge Overview:

Throughout the conference, you’ll have 10 unique prompts to inspire your social media posts. Complete at least 5 of these prompts to enter our grand prize draw! Plus, we’ll be giving out 8 spot-prizes for our favourite posts as the event unfolds.

You can share your entries across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok! Be sure to use the hashtag #MQGSOAR and if you're posting to LinkedIn, be sure to tag Money Quest Group.

🏆 What’s Up for Grabs?

Grand Prize

One lucky participant who completes at least 5 prompts will win an amazing grand prize!
1 x Package of 25 Premium Home Buyer Leads from Trusted Finance

What makes these leads premium? 

  • Minimum income of $95,000
  • Minimum savings of $10,000 and/or access to a Parent Guarantor
  • Brokers will receive all Lead contact details as well as a full financial snapshot of each Home Buyer.
  • All Leads are fresh, having enquired via the Trusted Finance website within 7 days or less of you receiving your Premium Lead Package.

You will be the only Brokerage to receive this package of Leads.

The highest value element to this package is that Rob Roper of Trusted Finance sends a “Warm Transfer” email to each Home Buyer formally introducing you as his Referral Partner and preferred Mortgage Broker for their home buying journey.

A vast majority of Leads have consumed his content for months before enquiring, often engaging in hundreds of videos! This personalised referral is what creates the best conversion rates on any Lead Package in Australia.

Spot Prizes: 

Eight standout posts throughout the conference will each win a fabulous spot-prize - a content creation starter kit! 

✨ How to Participate:

Post on Social Media: Use the prompts below to guide your posts. You can share your posts to LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram or even TikTok! Just be sure to use the #MQGSOAR hashtag and tag us so we can find your content! Complete at least 5 of these prompts to enter our grand prize draw! 

Get Creative: We love seeing your unique take on the prompts, so let your creativity shine! 

Engage & Win: Each post brings you closer to qualifying for the grand prize draw. But don’t worry if you’re not up posting 5+ times – even posting just once could win you one of our spot prizes!

📸 Prompts:

Strike a Pose! Snap a selfie at the Sofitel on Collins with the registration desk and SOAR logo in the frame. Share your buzz for the conference!

Partner Spotlight! Capture a moment with one of our lender partners and tag them on LinkedIn. Show off your networking game!

Prop It Up! Snap a pic with one of your fellow brokers using our fun photo props from the Marketing booth near the media wall!

Mindset Magic! Post a shot from Ezio Mormile’s performance mindset session and share the game-changing insight you gained.

Storytelling Spotlight! Capture Kim Skubris in action during her storytelling session and highlight the key lesson you learned.

Welcome Vibes! Share a photo from Thursday night’s welcome bash at The Royal Melbourne Hotel. Let’s see how you kicked off the conference!

Video Marketing Buzz! Snap a pic from Rob Roper’s power of video marketing session and reveal the top takeaway from his talk.

Futuristic Insights! Post a photo from Steve Sammartino’s session and share a breakthrough idea you discovered.

Champion’s Wisdom! Capture a moment from Jacqui Cooper’s session and highlight the key takeaway that inspired you.

Glamour Shots! Share a photo from Friday night’s awards black-tie dinner. Show us your best evening wear and conference highlights!