Varian Brachytherapy Forum: Unlocking Innovation in Brachytherapy  
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Thursday, 15 February 2024  

Join us for an exclusive exploration of the latest advancements in Brachytherapy at the Varian User Forum, during the annual Australasian Brachytherapy Group 2024 Conference. Taking place on Thursday, 15th February, at the Hobart Function & Conference Centre in Tasmania, this forum brings together Brachytherapists eager to discover cutting-edge innovations in treatment techniques, applicator developments, and new software releases from Varian.

Agenda Highlights:

10:00 - 10:10:  Welcome and Introduction
Nastik Bhandari, Brachytherapy & QA, Asia Pacific, Japan & India - VARIAN. Dive into "New Brachytherapy Innovations at Varian"

10:10 - 10:50:  Maastro Brachytherapy Program
Dr. Maaike Berbee from Maastro Clinic, Maastricht University, Dr Berbee, explores the "Role of Contact Brachytherapy for Rectal Cancer" and shares insights into the "Development of the Maastro Applicator Project."

11:30 - 12:10: Implementation of BRAVOS 1.2 at Alfred Hospital
Early feedback Variseed 10  Dr. Ryan Smith (Physicist) and Stephanie Miller (RTT) Gain valuable insights from at Alfred Hospital, Australia, as they share their experiences with implementing BRAVOS 1.2 into their department and the latest release of Variseed, Version 10.

12:25 - 12:40:  Varian Practical Demonstration
Ashley Uhm, Brachytherapy Application Specialist, ANZ and SEAK - VARIAN, Ashley showcases "BrachyVision 18 - New Features Enhancing the Treatment Planning Journey" and "Variseed 10 - ARIA Integration and Other New Features."

12:40 - 1:00:  Open Forum-Interesting cases, topics, and choices
An open invitation to all participants to actively engage in discussions on "Cases, Applicator Choices, and Interesting Topics."

Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of Brachytherapy innovation, collaborate with leading clinicians, and actively participate in discussions that shape the future of cancer care. Register now for the Varian User Forum at ABG 2024!

Dr. Maaike Berbee

We are honored to feature Dr. Maaike Berbee, a distinguished radiation oncologist at Maastro Clinic in the Netherlands, as our sponsored speaker. With a Ph.D. in radiation biology, Dr. Berbee specializes in treating gastrointestinal tumors, focusing on rectal and esophageal cancer. Her ground-breaking work includes co-inventing the Maastro HDR rectal brachytherapy applicator and leading the clinical trial "Introduction of the Maastro Applicator for endoluminal boosting in rectal cancer: a pilot study."

Associate Professor Ryan Smith

Chief Medical Physicist at Alfred Health Radiation Oncology (AHRO), bringing over 25 years of clinical medical physics experience, particularly in brachytherapy and in vivo treatment delivery verification.

Stephanie Miller

Senior Brachytherapy Radiation Therapist at Alfred Health Radiation Oncology, playing a pivotal role in advancing new techniques and technology in brachytherapy and contributing significantly to the Australian Brachytherapy community.

12th Elekta Brachytherapy User Group Meeting  
2:00 PM - 5:15 PM Thursday, 15 February 2024  

ELEKTA invite you to attend their Brachytherapy Workshop, where Dr Appalanaido will be presenting on his experiences with Liver brachytherapy. The workshop will showcase Oncentra TPS using the Geneva and Venezia Applicator, including a ‘tips and tricks’ session on some commonly asked situations.


Dr Gokula Kumar Appalanaido, Malaysia


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Leishman Associates
227 Collins Street, Hobart
03 6234 7844

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the muwinina people, the traditional owners of the Land upon which we work, and we pay our respect to Aboriginal Elders; past and present. We respect all Tasmanian Aboriginal people, their culture and their rights as the first peoples of lutruwita.