Annual CAUTHE Bill Faulkner Workshop for PhD Scholars and Early Career Researchers Workshop

Date: Monday 10-Feb 2025
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: UQ City Campus, 308 Queen St, Brisbane CBD

Registration fee$90 (morning / afternoon refreshments and lunch included)

Professor Lisa Ruhanen - 2025 CAUTHE Chair

Ice Breaker Activity
Gabby Walters and Jie Wang
9:30am- 11:00am

Session  1. Establishing your Academic Identity

This session is designed to encourage PhD’s and ECRs to think and reflect on themselves as researchers and the journey ahead. We introduce the concept of ‘slow’ and considered research vs the paper mill approach – how to strike the balance between meeting the demands of metrics and meaningful discovery  

We also explore the question “What is meaningful and impactful research in the Tourism, Hospitality and Eventsfields”

Panel + Q&A

The panel comprises of a selection of established researchers who have made a name for themselves in a particular area and how they established their researcher profiles. We will also aim to understand how the research landscape has changed – for better or worse!  

Professor Erica Wilson, Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) Southern Cross University, Chair of CAUTHE

Professor Bob McKercher, Professor in Tourism, University of Queensland

Professor Anne Hardy, Professor in Tourism, University of Tasmania

Professor Scott McCabe, Professor in Marketing, University of Birmingham, Co-Editor in Chief, Annals of Tourism Research


Chair: Dr Elizabeth Agyeiwaah, Lecturer in Tourism, University of Queensland



We encourage attendees to read and reflect on these short readings listed below to get the best out of this session.

Elangoven & Hoffman (2019) The pursuit of success in academia: Plato’s Ghost asks “what then?” Journal of Management Inquiry, 1-6

Benjamin, S., Lee, K. S., & Boluk, K. (2024). Shit has to change, right? A call for “good trouble” in tourism. Journal of Travel Research,

Gard-McGehee, N. (2024). Letter From the Co-Editor: Yes,“Shit’s Got to Change.” But How? A Call for a Deep Scholarship Social Movement. Journal of Travel Research,

 Dolnicar, S. (2024) Not enjoying the publish or perish culture? You have two options only: Fuel it or resist it. Which will you choose? Annals of Tourism Research (Viewpoint),

Morning Refreshments
11:30am -1:00pm
Breakout sessions

Session A (ECRs)

Recognising your Research Career Development Needs: Applying the VITAE Researcher Development Framework

Facilitator: Gabby Walters

The Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a professional development framework for planning, promoting and supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers in higher education. It articulates the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful researchers and encourages them to realise their potential. Come along to this engaging and interactive session where you will get to know the Vitae RDF a little more, understand how to use the Vitae planner tool for career development planning, and participate in two exercises which will help you to assess your interest and capabilities and develop an action plan to formulate actionable goals.

11:30am- 1:00pm

Session B: (PhDs)

Preparing for your Future Careers

Facilitator: Jie Wang

This session aims to provide PhD students with valuable insight into the different career options available to them post PhD and how to ensure they are ready for them. While we have some questions pre-prepared for the panel there will be time allocated for Q&A from the audience.


Professor Brent Ritchie, Dean, University of Queensland Business School

Professor Perry Hobson, Director, Breda University of Applied Science (The Netherlands)

Dr Allison Anderson, Principle. Episteme Consulting

Dr Antje Martins, Chief Training Manager, Earthcheck


Chair: Wally Zhang, PhD Candidate, University of Tasmania
1:00pm – 2:00pm
2:00pm – 3:00pm 

Using AI Creatively and Responsibly in Teaching and Research

Professor Ashish Sinha, Professor in Marketing, University of Queensland Business School

The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly popular and opening the door to countless possibilities in academia. When used responsibly, LLMs can drastically boost productivity. But what truly sets Generative AI apart is how it can identify overlooked gaps in both teaching and research. During this session, you’ll get hands-on practice using Generative AI in teaching and research. We’ll explore how it can turn complex academic papers into fun learning tools, how interactive games can help students learn through role-playing scenarios, foster design thinking exercises, generate quick case studies for in-class discussions and how AI can even support work-integrated learning. We’ll also discuss how GenAI can enrich our research practices by understanding its ethical application to various phases of project development and data analysis.  

No previous experience with LLMs is needed, but please ensure you have access to ChatGPT.

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Afternoon Refreshments

CAUTHE Mentoring Session

Collect your afternoon tea, locate your CAUTHE Mentor and find a space to chat.

4:30pm – 5:00pm

Reflection on day’s events

Presentation of Awards and Bursaries


Post Workshop Activity

Bris-Vegas Social Evening – From 5pm

Gather your newfound colleagues from the workshop and join our UQ CAUTHE hosts for an evening in Bris-Vegas. We will walk together to the Pig and Whistle in King George Square for refreshments and a meal (at your own expense). Those who would like to party on can do so after dinner as we will venture to Irish Murphy’s Hotel where there will be live music playing until 10:30pm. Our extreme night owls can continue on at their leisure to Star Casino – open till late.

Location of Venues

Pig and Whistle – King George Square: 100 Adelaide St Brisbane

Irish Murphys Hotel – 175 George St, Brisbane

Star Casino – Queens Wharf Precinct, 33 William St, Brisbane



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Leishman Associates
227 Collins Street, Hobart
03 6234 7844

Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Brisbane and The University of Queensland acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge and respect the spiritual relationship between Traditional Custodians and this Country, which has inspired language, songs, dances, lore and dreaming stories over many thousands of years. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow. May we continue to peacefully walk together, in gratitude, respect and kindness in caring for this Country and one another.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

CAUTHE strongly supports equity and inclusion for all. We embrace diversity and condemn any kind of discrimination, be it on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.