TH & E Standards Workshop

Join our workshop to explore proven strategies for designing engaging learning experiences across pre-class, in-class, and post-class activities!

Activating and Collaborative Learning for Engaging Classrooms

The adoption of learning management systems and other online learning technologies has enabled reaching students in more places. These have enabled greater structure in scaffolding students' learning, opportunities to personalise learning to specific needs, and trigger interventions to support or accelerate learning further. Through these experiences students gain many indications of learning achievement and success. Additionally, the technologies can support the activation of previously passive learning contexts. Nevertheless, through the asynchronous nature and greater personalisation, often these learning experiences are undertaken individually, undermining opportunities for shared learning. 

Furthermore, with the learning moving online and evident achievement taking place, students can perceive that other learning spaces are substitutes (i.e., synchronous classes are a repeat of the activities online) rather than complementary (i.e., synchronous classes add to and extend upon the technology enabled learning). Due to this, students often demonstrate classroom (either in-person or online) outcomes:

  1. No attendance in class
  2. Individual approaches to learning in class
  3. No extension of learning in class

In this workshop we will explore the theoretical foundations and identify principles for crafting active and collaborative learning and how these can ensure engaging classes. Using the foundation, we will explore examples to design active and collaborative learning across a subject/unit, and at the topic level (i.e., learning week) in the areas of pre-class, in-class, and post class. 

At the end of this workshop you will have:

  • Principles for designing active, collaborative, and engaging learning
  • A design for activating and collaborative learning within a unit/subject, and a framework for topic learning

Date: Monday 10-Feb 2025
Time: 9:00-15.00
Venue: UQ City Campus



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Leishman Associates
227 Collins Street, Hobart
03 6234 7844

Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Brisbane and The University of Queensland acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge and respect the spiritual relationship between Traditional Custodians and this Country, which has inspired language, songs, dances, lore and dreaming stories over many thousands of years. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow. May we continue to peacefully walk together, in gratitude, respect and kindness in caring for this Country and one another.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

CAUTHE strongly supports equity and inclusion for all. We embrace diversity and condemn any kind of discrimination, be it on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.