Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Join CAUTHE’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to connect with like-minded academics, collaborate on cutting-edge research, and contribute to the future of tourism, hospitality, and events education. Explore six active SIGs and find your community today!

On Wednesday from 4.00 – 5.30pm, SIG groups will be meeting at the conference. You can register your interest to attend one of the following SIGs when you register for the conference.

Critical approaches

Event studies

Information & communication technologies

Risk, recovery & resilience

Workforce & employment

Teaching & learning

CAUTHE’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have been an important part of CAUTHE for around 18 years. SIGs provide a forum for tourism, hospitality and events knowledge engagement, creation and dissemination, and encourage academics to work collaboratively.  SIGs aim to provide interaction between members, other associations, and affiliates in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. SIGs are research and/or teaching related groups and there are currently six active SIGs, each run by two or three co-coordinators.

Each SIG is member-led, each has its own co-coordinators, and they draw their core membership from CAUTHE associate and student members; but potentially may include those from outside of CAUTHE. CAUTHE supports the SIGs in various ways, including via communications, inclusion in the annual conference, by financial support and through website and social media presence.

SIGs are research and/or teaching related groups and there are currently six active SIGs: Critical Approaches; Event Studies; Information & Communication Technologies; Risk, Crisis & Recovery Management; Teaching & Learning; and Work & Employment.

CAUTHE members can propose a new SIG using the SIG guidelines and application form. The form outlines the requirements for establishment of the SIG, which involves approval by the CAUTHE Executive Committee.



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Leishman Associates
227 Collins Street, Hobart
03 6234 7844

Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Brisbane and The University of Queensland acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge and respect the spiritual relationship between Traditional Custodians and this Country, which has inspired language, songs, dances, lore and dreaming stories over many thousands of years. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow. May we continue to peacefully walk together, in gratitude, respect and kindness in caring for this Country and one another.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

CAUTHE strongly supports equity and inclusion for all. We embrace diversity and condemn any kind of discrimination, be it on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.